This is how your League is intended to work. This will be a work in progress as we get tech and times sorted out.

The first League is called Bravo. It runs Thursday Nights at 8pm.  There are only 10 Teams allowed to be registered for League Bravo.

Once Bravo is full, League Charlie will be available for game play Wednesday nights at 8pm. Again, only 10 Teams may register for any month of play.

League Delta will run Tuesday’s at 8pm.  League Echo will run on Monday’s at 8pm. All on a one by one basis until 10 Teams are registered for each night. And more days and times will be added as demand builds.

At 8pm, on the League Play scoresheet, 100 songs will load in for 60 minutes. You can log in at any time, but the audio will come down at 9PM. You must hit submit before 9:10pm. No emails after that time stamp will be accepted unless suitable bribes have been committed.

Sorry, I will not have your scores posted or answers posted until the next day.

Teams will play on their League night for only the first four weekly dates of the calendar month. There will be no games on Canadian Stat Holidays.

I will post standings and monthly final scores including all the cheating I possibly can do and take into account all the bribes I get. But there can only be one winner of any League in a month. By now you must have figured out, 2 minutes before the show loads I have no idea what the application is going to load, and you know what you answered because it was emailed to you, so I didn’t cheat the scores. So up to this point everything is on the up and up.

So you won?! Nice. Well done. Bragging rights are yours. You can tell everyone you were “X” League Champion for the month of… But we intend to add something to this.

You will (when we decide we are ready) be awarded an entrance to the next live online event. We will tell you when and the time. All your team must be in one location in order to get take the first answer properly. There will be no more then 10 Teams in one event for now.

But be prepared for anything. Those of you who have seen our live show have to know a couple of beverages with friends can lessen the pain. In the live show there are many ways you can add points to your score, or lose them. We have added more then a few wrinkles here and there.

Live Event Champions (when we are ready to proceed) will get entrance tokens to that year’s grand champion tournament to crown the years best team. This event may run over a couple of days depending on the number of Leagues running that particular year.