Not Just Any Game
Those of you who have participated in our LIVE show know full well HHG Name This Tune is not just about song title and artist. While we appreciate those who have a collection of otherwise useless information stored in their grey matter, our show is truly about the experience. Not just a single experience but the collection of every game and every activity. Some will excel in one area. And others are just slightly more crazy. Welcome to our show.
The Numbers Don’t Lie
So many cities. It was fun.
Calgary, Edmonton, Red Deer, Lethbridge, Medicine Hat, Lloydminster, Spruce Grove, Sherwood Park, Innisfail, Olds, Airdrie, even Bentley, Leduc, Calmar, St. Albert, Grand Prairie, this was just in Alberta. And I’m sure we are missing some. Saskatoon, Vancouver, Richmond, Kelowna, and then there was Orange County, South Orange County, Anahiem, Youngstown, Cleveland, Pittsburg, Toledo, Columbus, Cincinatti, Dayton, Akron, Charlotte NC. Phoenix and Mesa AZ… Oh my, the list goes on and on… yes we’ve allowed more then a couple million people to participate in our insanity.
Now we build the online community. Are you ready?

Records Were Made To Be Broken
For the longest time I thought the number of shows that I had done personally would be a record that stood forever. But with life throwing a few curves to not just me but everyone there has been someone who has just grinded it out, week after week. Sometimes it was a full house, sometimes she made chicken salad out of chicken feathers with only a couple teams. But if you know her, you should let her know she is the Champ – Sharon K has just passed me in the total number of LIVE shows done. The numbers are astounding. We call her Super Sharon !!!
But girl don’t get comfortable… records were meant to be broken.

Technology Drives Me Crazy
I mean how do we ever keep up? Milk cartons filled with LPs and 45’s, to racks of tapes, CD’s, and now mp3s in storage drives – this is so much fun. But it is amazing to remember how the music alone has evolved over the years. Here and now its bandwidth and lag with an application here or there that freezes up and you have to restart the whole process from the beginning. But it was much simpler before. Before we could push play and follow some basic principles and everyone had fun. Now we have to examine the psychological and emotional responses from people we can’t even see – wth?!!! And most of all, measuring if this is an enjoyable experience… if you would all just push the happy button it would make life so much easier to figure out.

Billy Budds – The Only Game In Town
For more then a decade we’ve been in this room on Friday nights. The team of Sharon & Mike have consistently delivered the fun and games you would expect from a HHG show produced by MusicX-Alberta.
For a ton of reasons we haven’t really worked at acquiring new rooms. But as the World has recovered, so have we.
Sharon & Mike have kept the basics of the game the same. 40’s-60’s, 70’s, Country, and 80’s+. But they have added and adjusted to be a bit more inclusive to the 2000s and other wrinkles. You will still find the dancing, singing, and all around tom foolery when its appropriate.
There will be changes coming. These folks are creative. And of course there is another guy – you can’t forget him. So don’t forget us.