WELCOME to HHGGames.com.

To those of you who know us in real life from MusicX-Alberta, AKC Entertainment Inc, Hard Hitting Games, and all the way back to Big A’s – the insanity continues. From Calgary Alberta to a whole pile of Cities:

Red Deer, Edmonton, Lloydminster, Lethbridge, Vancouver, Richmond, Saskatoon, Los Angeles, Orange County, Phoenix, Sun City, Youngstown, Pittsburgh, Cleveland, Toledo, Columbus, Cincinnati, Charlotte… and all the places we served from those cities

 – you have a pretty good idea of what to expect.

These are music samples from the 40’s through Today’s Top Hits including Country. Typically Pop/Top 40 type music that was played on the radio and in the bars.

Right up front, in our LIVE performances we have 4 rules.

#1. If its not your turn or your Team’s turn and you shout out any part of the answer – it costs you a round for the house.

#2. If we tell you to do something, you must. If not it’s a round for the house.

#3. No whining. We don’t want to hear that. See the penalties for rule 1 & 2.

#4. We cheat. If it looks like you’re having a good time, we might add a few points to your score, but if you are high maintenance – well…. We cheat.

As for this type of game – it’s a game to be played only for fun. Hopefully everything runs smoothly but if there is the odd hiccup… deal with it…but please let us know if you spot something. If we don’t know, we can’t try and fix it.


Free play is exactly that. Free.

5 days per week, our site will upload 10 new clips from any style or any era. Listen to the clips and after you input the answer and hit submit, later in the evening you will be emailed the correct answers. If simply guessing the song title and artist is your thing, this is a great daily game to participate in. But you can only submit your answers once per day.

League Play.

League Play is Team Play. Multiple friends or be your own Team. It runs a new contest starting weekly on the first day of the month for four weeks. There is a cost to play League Play of $25 per month per Team. (Obviously we will not run a League if there are not enough Teams registered.)

League Play gets 100 songs once per week on a set day at a set time. Again, any style any era. Again, once you submit your answers, you will be emailed a copy for your records and the corresponding correct answers. Obviously, you can only hit submit once per game per Team, so being in the same place is a good thing.


      • You can play in more then one League at a time.

    The idea behind League Play is this is an opportunity to get together with friends at someone’s house or via skype/zoom once a week and have a little fun.

    And if you think that’s all we are going to throw at you…. you don’t know us very well.


    Coming Soon: HHG Name This Tune League Play

    Compete on your own or as part of a team. A set night during the week, with a set start time. Each week you have a series of tasks designed to push your music knowledge. Music from the 40s through Today’s Top Hits including Country, music trivia, and more. Not for the faint of heart. We will start with an evenings test of 100 song clips. But soon it will evolve into Live online competitions of team versus the other team’s registered for the specific League you signed up for. And then there will be special events as League vs League likely on a neutral night.

    Celebrate Our Music day with the delicious foods in exciting party

    10 songs a day. 50 songs per week, just to keep your brain sharp and remind you of the hits from yesteryear. Listen to the clips, fill in the answers, hit submit and the answers will be emailed to you almost immediately. Each week day morning, clips will load completely randomly.

    upComing events

    Buy The Tickets


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    Helga marianaAudience

    “ Lorem ipsum dolor siLorem ipsum dolorasda sit amet, cons wedv ectetur adipis cing elit, sed doeiusmodm tempor incididunt ut labore edolore magna. Venenatis tellus in metus vulputateeuthnenas scelerisque.

    Helga marianaAudience